The day was picture perfect with temps in the low 70's, no wind and little traffic. Well, it was a Wednesday. After lunch, we headed to a little known jewel called Nelson, NV. We took the somewhat rough two lane road all the way to the end to view the Colorado River and what used to be a ferry landing (long ago flooded away). A quick stop there to take in the view, read the historical sign and return the way we came. We stopped at the Techatticup Mine and took in the wonders. If you're ever anywhere near this place, take the time to check it out. I love it!
Parking out front, we entered the museum/store. It is full of wonderful, weird, interesting "stuff". As a matter of fact, there is "stuff" everywhere. A number of outbuildings to explore, they also offer tours of the mine, canoes and kayaks for rafting the river, horseback riding and will regale you with many tales of movies that have used this location!
The Barn was especially appealing. We went on to explore this after the main building.
Just cool "stuff" !!
The museum has an alien room. I wonder how many aliens have been there, are still there or have taken visitors away?
More interior shots of the museum. You could spend a lot of time here just looking at everything. I didn't take a picture, but be sure to ask about the freezer. You MUST look in the freezer.
My honey, Eric is about to enter the Twilight Zone, also know as the Barn :-)
Here is a shot of inside the barn. What a delight! Tons and tons and tons of "stuff".
More barn finds. Don't you think American Pickers would have a field day here?
I found a new ride just outside the Barn.
They even had cannons! What good fun. We didn't see a fraction of the "stuff" they have hidden around the place.
After enjoying our visit at the Techatticup Mine, we headed out to Laughlin, our destination. A lovely day, an easy ride and soon we were there!
We arrived in Laughlin before the official start but there were plenty of folks already there. This is a shot of the parking lot outside our hotel. Only a tiny fraction of the bikes that were there. Mostly a black leather, pirate rally, it was still a ton of fun to look at all the bikes, custom work and weird people :-)
The big, new fad was huge front tires from 24" to 30". Made the bikes look like the old "Big Wheel" trikes that kids had back then. We saw many vendors with this look and actually saw several on the road. Kind of sexy in a weird kind of poser way!
Snapped this next pic cause I thought of Wendy and her Cyclesmith's business. Hope there isn't a conflict here.
Old home week, we had dinner at Bubba Gump's and it was delish! I think about 24 or so Drifters (our local group) made the ride and we all hooked up for dinner. Big time fun was had by all, not to mention tons of food and cocktails :-)
The evening was picture perfect will a full moon shining over the Colorado River.
Here are a few shots of some of the more interesting bikes that were parked around town. This is Me and Mini Me :-)
Another "Big Wheeler" again in white.
A stretch, custom rod that's good for bar hopping.
Other side of Me and Mini Me :-)
We perused the vendor booths which were larger in number than the past few years. Eric spent some time at the Yamaha booth selling Super Tenere's and FJR's.
I was lucky and won a "Law Tiger" at a motorcycle attorney booth. Good fun!!
The next morning we eased into the day, spent a bit of time looking at a few more vendors then loaded up and headed out toward home. It was another picture perfect day and it was a lot of fun to see all the bikers cruising into Laughlin as we made our way out. Our route was lovely back roads since our trip down was pretty much a slab trip. We headed toward Lake Mead which has a recently repaved road around it....Bliss!
We made a stop at the Lake Mead Visitor Center for National Park Pass stamps and a little fun. I found a great Junior Ranger hat! They keep telling me I'm too old to be a Junior Ranger but I really love the activities and fun stuff. Maybe next year I'll get up the nerve to tell them to bug off and do the activities :-) Would be a fun adventure!
The road around Lake Mead is just a joy to ride. Put this on your list if time permits. We always make a point to stop at Desert Springs, an oasis in the desert. A few years ago the parking lot was paved and permanent toilets were put in. A lovely place to take a break. 
Oh yes, do stop here. Look around, read the informative signs and look for turtles.
Look closely, in the front lower right you can see a turtle. What fun. There were several people here when we stopped and I pointed out the turtles, they were delighted to see them!
From Desert Springs, this is the view of Lake Mead.
If you are really lucky, you can spot some Rocky Mountain Sheep along the hiway. Very rare, but it does happen. This is a ride few folks know about but everyone who does loves it. Just watch your speed as the road begs for a spirited pace but the local park police might be watching! As we rode toward home on this highway we passed a load of riders heading the other direction and I assume going to Laughlin. Yup, a great road.
The rest of the ride home was typical. We hit I-15 and blasted north to Old Hiway 91 which took us home. It was a very fun two days, meeting friends for lunch, visiting Nelson, having a dinner with great friends, overnighting at Laughlin, checking out the pirates, black leather and new farkles, topped with a fantastic ride home along Lake Mead in absolutely perfect riding weather!
Since this ride, my bike has been in pieces and the shock/spring sent off for re-springing. Hopefully this will make the ride a bit better My honey re-installed the shock today and I'm off tomorrow for a new adventure!
That's all folks (at least for now). Keep the rubber side down and live life to the fullest!
Hugs and Cheers,