We left the house on Thursday, 11-10-11 about ten a.m. Yes, a late start, but heck, we were finally on our way to the Veteran's Day Gathering at Deming, New Mexico. This was to be the last Gathering and I was very excited to attend. Last year I had another commitment and couldn't make it so I was determined to go this year.
I bundled up with my electric jacket, warm socks and winter gloves. It was about 47 degrees when we left. We took Old Hiway 91 to I-15 and headed into Las Vegas where we took I-515 to Boulder City and Hiway 93 to Kingman, AZ where we picked up I-40 back again to Hiway 93 which took us all the way to Phoenix where we stopped for the night. It had just gotten dark as we entered Sun City and hit rush hour traffic. I was very happy to stop at the Motel 6 with a Denny's next door. Yes!
The next morning we got under way fairly early and after navigating through Phoenix, we jumped on I-10 and rode through Tucson. We stopped at Bowie for some excellent beef jerky and English toffee and continued on to Deming. We quickly found our hotel, a Best Western that was an excellent property. Huge room, nice amenities and parking right outside the front door and a reasonable price! My favorite kind of motel. We went to dinner at the truck stop next door. Not gourmet, but certainly palatable. Back to the room, a couple of cocktails and it was bedtime.
We had a lazy Saturday morning and breakfast at the motel. Nothing special, but hey, it was included so we partook :-) We geared up and rode through town looking for tourist attractions - nothing to be found. We then headed the other direction to the local flea market. Again, nothing to be found but a lot of junk. After perusing the flea market we headed to the Gathering. One missed turn - about face - found the turn and we arrived at the correct place. We were some of the first to arrive so we had excellent parking!
Voni and Paul were also part of the welcoming committee. Oh boy, I can already tell this is going to be one heck of a party!

As we were taking off gear, this great family appeared. Banana Boy was the life of the party!
A large tent had been set up in front of the house. Our awesome hosts, Don and Mary Lou Cameron were so very gracious and had things under control. You could tell they had done this a time or two!
Here you can see the three BBQ's that were fired up and cooking the fantastic beef for dinner. I didn't take any pictures, but the shop had all kinds of food cooking, beans, bbq sauce and who knows what else. All tucked in here and there amongst a bunch of really fine motorcycles. Wow! I really should have taken some pics of that set up. Unbelievable!
There were fun and games to be had. Redneck Horseshoes was a blast.
The object was to fling a toilet seat as close to the pin as possible. Harder than it sounds! Here is Heidi, the reigning champion getting ready for a toss. Notice her intensity as she checks out the toilet seat. Hey, some were heavier than others. And...the wind was blowing which made a big impact on the toss.

After dinner and awards (heck there were about 200 door prizes so almost everyone got a prize. I won a tee shirt that just happened to be from the dealer where I bought my bike! Good stuff. Eric won a mini-Maglite flashlight - yes - more good stuff). They also had a 50/50 that gave the winner just over $400 and the other $400 going to the Veteran's charity. Nope, neither of us won that but it was huge fun to watch the winner get his cash :-)
We finally packed it in and headed back to the motel - looking for a quiet evening. Not going to happen. When we checked in, there were only two other bikes in the motel parking lot. When we got back, there were a lot more. I told these folks to quiet it down.....heck is was like 6:30 or so. Quiet time. Not.....these folks were ready to party.
We got up the next morning and enjoyed breakfast again at the motel with a number of other Deming riders. Then, we were off toward home. Pretty much back-tracked the way we had come. About 50 miles east of Tucson, we hit a weather cell. Big old nasty rain. Eric was so kind and stopped at a rest stop and asked if I wanted to put on my rain gear. I said no and on we motored. My big old dumb mistake. By the time we got through Tucson, I was soaked. We stopped again and on went the Frog Toggs. A bit late, but at least they kept the wind off me so I wasn't cold. Dang, I hate being wet. My own stupid fault. Maybe one day I'll learn to put the rain gear on before I get wet!
We took the "scenic route" through Phoenix and I got to see all the best places in town including every porn shop, pawn shop, junk yard and low rent trailer park. Okay, I don't need to go there again.
We ended up at Wickenburg, AZ at the Best Western. Again, another fantastic property where you park outside your door. Very nice room. Instead of breakfast at the motel, they gave us discount coupons for a local restaraunt which we visited. After a scrumptious meal, we were on our way home.
Instead of riding through Las Vegas, we took the scenic route around Lake Mead. A picture perfect day with no traffic on newly paved road. Oh yes, life is good! We took a break at Roger's Spring. A fantastic view of Lake Mead. (With bikes in the pic, of course!)
My next adventure? Who knows. I'm thinking about Alaska and South America and many other places. We'll see, won't we?
Looks like fun, and for a good cause!